I removed this heading and changed it to what you see above on Thursday June 8. I expect that the new heading will be getting better google placement. Drivers: Idiocy at #TheGothamist by John Del Signore.
I want you to read what John Del Signore a reporter or columnist at The Gothamist weekly newspaper, one that to my estimation is aimed at the moneyed nightscum community, the ones who get into taxis while beta testing new club drugs, and are so wasted that they cannot operate the credit caed swipe, or are simply emboldened to use their being wrecked as as excuses for getting free rides.. My comments will be in red alongside Del Signore's "report".
woman"Credit card? Don't even think about it." John Del Signore's mother
In the annals of crazy cabbie credit card horror stories, this one stands out from the pack. An unidentified Hoboken man says a New York cab driver sprayed him in the face with an unknown chemical substance when he tried to pay with a credit card. The victim told police he hailed the cab early Sunday morning after a work function in NYC Saturday night.
I removed this heading and changed it to what you see above on Thursday June 8. I expect that the new heading will be getting better google placement. Drivers: Idiocy at #TheGothamist by John Del Signore.
I want you to read what John Del Signore a reporter or columnist at The Gothamist weekly newspaper, one that to my estimation is aimed at the moneyed nightscum community, the ones who get into taxis while beta testing new club drugs, and are so wasted that they cannot operate the credit caed swipe, or are simply emboldened to use their being wrecked as as excuses for getting free rides.. My comments will be in red alongside Del Signore's "report".
Man Insists On Paying Cab Fare With Credit Card, Cabbie Sprays Him With Chemicals - (as told by an unnamed fare beater to an unnamed ambulance attendant)

woman"Credit card? Don't even think about it." John Del Signore's mother
In the annals of club scum abuse of cabbies we rarely get to learn about an entitled dirtbag passenger who gets his comeuppance.
The Star-Ledger reports that the man told the driver he had no cash, only a credit card, and the driver said it wouldn't be a problem.
And it wouldn't have been a problem had the night person intended from the start to pay for his ride. Now that taxi owners do not charge the drivers a "per swipe" fee the drivers have little reason to object to being paid by credit card. It also offends common sense to imagine that the taxi driver would rather spray this dirtbag with something he concocted (hopefully urine) than get paid for the service he rendered the slime ball.
But when they arrived outside his Hoboken apartment, the driver demanded cash, (or other payment which the passenger declined to produce) _which the man did not possess. (If the man had two or three bucks he could have rode with the hoy polloy on the Port Authority Trains Hudson train to Hoboken but perhaps feeling that being fucked up and well. being himself and all that, he should be chauffeured to his home in any circumstance.) The ensuing dispute allegedly culminated with the driver yelling “F--- you!” and spraying him in the face "with a chemical substance." click here The victim screamed for help, and a Good Samaritan came to his aid and summoned the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps, who flushed out his eyes. By this time, the hack was long gone, and the victim wasn't able to identify the type of vehicle or provide a description of the driver. So they'll probably never find the guy. But on the plus side: Free cab ride? Don't get any ideas like that if you are in my taxi Johnny boy._
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